About Us
We want to see the leathercrafting community in Australia grow
There was a problem in the Australian leatherworking world.
Premium leather, tools, and materials had been too difficult to acquire down under.

Not only were supplies difficult to source, shipping was often unreasonable and could take weeks to arrive. As a result, many talented craftsmen and craftswomen came and went. Unable to keep their heads above water, they could no longer pursue their passion.
So we, as leatherworkers ourselves, have set out to resolve this issue.
Through reasonable pricing, fast shipping, and educational content, we believe we can support the Australian leatherworking community to grow. Your business is our business. We want to see leathercraft becoming a career path, and our promise is to support your dreams to become a reality.
So have a look through our catalogue and if there is anything we can help with, please feel free to contact us.
By leatherworkers, for leatherworkers
Byron & Rob